Ground Anchoring

GDS Ground anchoring solutions provide security and safety for load bearing equipment and all ground retention systems.

Temporary Anchors

Temporary ground anchors are used on construction sites as part of a retaining system and prevents the excavation works from collapsing. GDS drill into the surrounding bedrock and grout into place high tensile strand anchors. These anchors are designed to last until the building itself can support the excavation, rendering the anchors obsolete.

Permanent Anchors

Permanent ground anchors are used as part of a construction where the final structure may not provide sufficient support or where a long term solution and corrosion resistance is required. GDS work to meet an engineers design requirement for retaining walls and marine environments using Permanent anchors constructed from high tensile strand or bar.

Sand Anchors

Rock bolts are an alternative to strand anchors and depending upon the design requirements, can be both more effective and economical to use.

Multi Strand / Bar Anchors

GDS strand System is designed to accommodate from 1 to 48 strands of 12.7mm diameter or 1 to 42 strands of 15.2 dia achieving up to 10,000 KN (1,000 tones) of breaking load. Cables are stressed with all strands pulled simultaneously. Anchorages use a self seating wedge system in a machined anchor head. Cables can be stage stressed in stages, re-stressed or coupled as required. APS provide both a bonded and an unbonded multi strand system depending on specified application requirements.

Soil Nails

GDS use Soil nails for stabilizing slopes and excavations. The soil nails are installed as the excavation progresses from top to bottom. The surface of the cut is then often stabilized by shotcrete and rebars mats.

Rock Bolting

Rock bolts are an alternative to strand anchors and depending upon the design requirements, can be both more effective and economical to use.

Hollow Bar

Bar anchors can either be galvanized or stainless steel depending upon the environment and engineers requirements. In some cases, fiberglass bolts are also used.